It is intended as interim, because it is strived that all SeaDataNet data centres become full V2 data centres.

Alternative is not to install the Download Manager, but to process all data set requests as registered in the RSM service by data centre staff.This requires that a data centre installs locally a java component Download Manager (DM), that handles all communication between the data centre system and the RSM service and that takes care that requested files are made ready for downloading by users (if OK) via their personal download pages at the data centre. Data centres can connect as a full V2 data centre: this means that the processing of data set requests is done in an automatic way, for as far as possible.To connect the RSM service at the portal with the distributed data centres there are 2 modalities possible: The actual communication from the SeaDataNet portal is done via the Request Status Manager (RSM) service. This is achieved by the Common Data Index (CDI) V2 system which connects the SeaDataNet portal and the data management systems of the SeaDataNet distributed data centres. Indeed, in the long term, the DM will be removed.Ī major objective and challenge in SeaDataNet is to provide an integrated and harmonised overview and access to data resources, managed by distributed data centres. For a stable and efficient connection, we recommend installing the RM. WARNING: The Download Manager (DM) is no longer supported, as it has been replaced by the Replication Manager (RM).